An Inventory of Documents

A variety of documents are in the memorabilia which did not seem to be appropriate to scan and include, but which are recorded in the event that they are needed in the future. Additional details can be added if there is an interest in something specific…just let me know. These include (in the order in which they were found):

Dad’s Passport application

The February 2012 copy of Magnificat

A guidebook to the Inter-Faith Chapel at Leisure World

A letter to God, written by someone who lost a brother in Vietnam, no author indicated….seems out of place.

A small American Flag, likely from Steve’s Funeral

An envelop titled “Danny’s Folder” which goes to Danny. I scanned a few photos from it.

A shoebox full of cards envelopes that have never been used. All sorts of subjects

“The Manual of Catholic Prayer” than Mom used…very well worn.

An Olympus Voice Recorder, contents as yet unknown

A letter-sized envelop of correspondence and papers related to Steve Swann. Included are his military records, military ID card and discharge papers. Also included is correspondence with then-Senator Glenn Beall relating to a search for Steve’s personal belongings which were lost in the mail after being shipped from Korea. His DD-214 is included and was put into a protective sheet for preservation. Also included are the papers associated with the arrangements made with the funeral home in Florida and the eventual insurance settlement. There were also a couple unrelated photographs which were removed and scanned.

An invitation to attend the graduation of Dianne Swann from Hood College. I attended…Grace Hopper gave the address. There are also a couple programs from the event. Dianne Swann Cole was awarded a Bachelor of Arts.

Invitation, dated 5/28/1988 for the wedding of Mary Elizabeth Poore and David Philip Swann

An envelop labled “David’s Folder” which goes to David. I scanned several pictures from it. Like the comparable folder for Danny, this contains a variety of childhood documents such as grade reports, baptismal records, birth announcement in the local paper and so on. Pretty neat if you ask me…:)

Mom’s High School Diploma from Onama High School in Onama, Iowa, dated 5/22/1940. Nice case with a photo in the snow stuck behind the class role. Picture is scanned.

Steve’s High School Diploma from High Point High School, dated 6/14/1967.

Wall sized poster of Pope John Paul, known to some of us as John Paul the Great.

Commencement brochure from the University of Illinois at Chicago, dated 6/9/1991. Not sure who this pertains to.

Parish directory for St Mark the Evangelist. The family group portrait appears in the book.

Certificate from Golden Gloves Boxing Event, Mike Swann 1st Place. Also scanned this.

Child Health Record for Steven Swann; also “Baby Treasures” for him as well.

Wall sized picture of the graduating class of 1984 from High Point High School. Danny is in the group.

“Our Baby” , “Baby Treasures” booklet for Debbie. There is a family tree with names and has entries up to her first birthday.

A 45 RPM record featuring John F. Kennedy with sides titled “All the Way” and “High Hopes”.

A large 10 * 14 magazine titled “The President of the United States” which chronicles the presidency of John F. Kennedy, his assassination and the beginning of the Johnson administration. Dad was a very big fan of Kennedy and told this author that he was his favorite president. This is a very special book and likely a valuable collectors item. Quite touching of a time long past.

A program from the MGM Grand Hotel-Reno for Donn Arden’s “Hello Hollywood Hello”. Undated. Oversized.

A green hand-made book titled on the outside “My Family”. In it are crayon & paint images titled: Me, Mommy, Daddy, Patrick, Debbie, Michael, Diane, Bernie, David. Betcha this was made by Danny…:)