Book Review – Not Cool, Greg Gutfield

I rather like this guy, expecially when he subs for Bill O’Reilly. His sense of humor and mine go well together. Not sure what that says about the two of us, but it’s a fact.

This book is about the impact that the purveyors of “Cool” are having and have had on American society….and it is not pretty.


A few take-aways:

P 7 – “Pop culture has replaced principle.” I find that to be quite true. With the decline in respect for religion and God, the culture has degenerated and lost its moral foundations. Situational ethics has replaced morality. There is no value in principle anymore, it’s all instant gratification and “feel good.”. That’s crap.

P 30 – “Good parenting, from my perspective, is like building a 3-foot retaining wall against a 4-foot wave.. The kids have to make up the last foot.” This is possibly the very best statement made about the role of a parent I’ve ever heard or read. Absolutely priceless.

P 195 – “Cowards only act brave when there are no consequences.” My peers who sat out the Vietnam War and the usual liberal comes to mind. Gutless bastards.

P 233 – Speaking about Fracking…”It will help America survive the twenty-first century while Europe slides back into the nineteenth century.” Given the demographics at work in Europe, it’s likely to be more like the 13th century under Muslim.

P 251 – “A person satisfied with who they are and what they do finds himself inherently resistant to the superficial pulls of the cool.” I’d like to think that this applies to myself.  I’m pretty happy inside my own skin…rolling out of my own center.