Book Review – The Day The World Came To Town, 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland, Jim Defede

This is a truly marvelous book and one that brought tears to my eyes several times. The back of the book tells it better than I can:

“When thirty-eight jetliners bound for the United States were forced to land in Gander, Newfoundland, on September 11, 2001, due to the closing of United States airspace, the citizens of this small community and surrounding towns were called upon to care for the thousands of distraught passengers.

Their response to this challenge was truly extraordinary. Oz Fudge, the town constable, searched all over Gander for a flight-crew member so he could give her a hug as a favor to her sister, who managed to reach him by phone. Eithne Smith, an elementary school teacher, helped the passengers sheltered at her school fax letters to loved ones all over the world. And members of a local animal protection agency crawled into the cargo holds of the jest to feed and care for all the animals on the flights.”

Lots of stories like this.