Book Reviews Intro

What follows are some short reviews and comments related to the books that I have recently read. Chronologically, the most recent will be at the top and the oldest at the bottom. The content is generally derived from the notecard that I kept while reading. I’m not sure when I started the habit of keeping the card, but I will note a page with something of interest and give a very short reference to the text, generally a short quote from the text. On the actual page, I’ll simply put a small dot next to the relevant entry. I will usually enter a date as I’m setting the book down, or at the end of my Metro ride. 
I’ve categorized the books somewhat loosely according to their topic although this is at times a matter of judgement…when does a historical telling become political?
  • Archeology
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • History
  • Politics
  • Spirituality
  • Technology