We enjoyed an exceptional Thanksgiving dinner with the Gorman clan…43 was the count as I recall…maybe 44…but it was great. These are the pictures I took. Only a very few were excluded and those were ones that were out of focus or just plain bad pictures.
Click on the picture in the gallery thumbnail to see the full picture. For the sake of brevity and speed, I reduced the originals to 25% of their initial size. If anyone wants a copy of the full sized version (~6 MB each and about 4700 * 3200 pixels) drop me a line (grandpakewl@yahoo.com) and I’ll post the full sized version so you can download it. Those are probably too large to be sent via email to most email systems.
If you click on a thumbnail in the gallery below, it will take you to a page where the entire picture can be seen. Clicking on that picture (or the links) will advance to the next picture. You can also add comments to each picture…be kind now, the internet is forever…
Thank you…thank you…thank you.
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