Pictures – Weekend on Skyline Drive & Fireworks over the Valley

We started going up to Skyline drive on the 4th of July some years back. We found spots where you can sit on a wall overlooking the Shenandoah Valley and see the fireworks all over the valley. From the right spots, you can see all the way to Fairfax. Granted that the fireworks are not loud and real large, they pop up all over the place for an long time. The first pictures are from our hikes, then the night of the 4th and then back to the hikes.

We saw bears twice but so quickly that pictures were impossible but we did have to stop the car so that a new family of deer could cross the road.

The ticks were out in force – we had to abandon one hike after I picked up 4 of these ugly things in less than 100 yards. Being a magnet for these and other bugs, I remain surprised that I’ve noy gotten really sick from them.

We walked “The Green Tunnel” but I left the camera behind. I did a rough calculation and figured the I’ve been on this road at least 100 times, with “The Green Tunnel” being my favorite place in the park. Need a picture here…