The Eclipse of 2024

I was in Texas with my son, granddaughter and her boyfriend Charlie. Made arrangements for us to have a spot on a farm in Sulphur Springs where I set up my gear. Took 375 pictures, of which these are the best.

The equipment I used is a 200-600mm telephoto lens on my Canon 6ti camera all mounted on a heavy-duty tripod. Just as you have to look at the event thru a special pair of glasses, you also need a special “solar” lens on the camera as well. That is until the rather sudden totality event when you can look directly without the glasses. I had to quickly remove that filter at that point because for all intents you are then taking pictures at night so all the camera settings require rapid and drastic changes. A very tense time that I practiced a dozen or more times at home before the day.

The black dots on the sun are the sunspots.

Maybe Iceland in 2 years….