Today I wandered around the property and took some representative pictures
The view from the entrance:
Off to the Right Side:
Toward the Back Yard:
A Dead Tree…removed a few days later…Check out
Looking Down the Hill to the “Back 40”:
In the “Back 40”:
This is a wonderful peaceful place with squirrels, deer, hawk, owls and many other birds
A Tree that was felled by the Wind Storm that I am cutting up with my new Chainsaw:
A Rock Pile (complete with a resident Groundhog), a Wood Pile of what I’ve cut up from a variety of trees and a veritable forest of Raspberries and Blackberries:
One I cut myself…just to give some scale to the wood…
The Garden as of this date:
A Nice Evening with dinner on the back patio:
By The Way…there’s a groundhog resident in the barn as well. we have a deal…it can stay so long as it stays out of the garden!